Axtell-Landreth Funeral Home

Axtell-Landreth Funeral Home

The Axtell furniture and undertaking business was established in 1894. During the early years the embalming was done in the private homes of the deceased and later in the furniture store basement. In either case the body was taken to the private home where it remained until the time of service at the home or the church. Several owners were Maneval, O’Neil, Austin, R.W. Motes and Okers.

In the early ‘40’s the business was sold to Theron and Garth Smith and was operated much the same except they began to have viewing of the body in the back of the furniture store and for several years they took the remains to their private home to lie in state.

In 1944, the Smith's purchased the Arthur Anderson private home and converted it into a present funeral home. Garth and Sally Smith lived in the home as did Theron and Betty Smith. After a hospital was established, the funeral home also offered ambulance service.

In 1956, William Landreth and Arthur Thornburg bought the business from the Smith's. Bill and Twyla Landreth and their two small sons, Forrest and Travis, moved into the home. In the early 1970’s the City of Axtell began maintaining an ambulance service and in 1985 the furniture store was closed out. The Landreths continued to operate the funeral home. During these years the business could not have operated without the help of many individuals in the community.

In 1986, the funeral home was sold to Roger and Lana Popkess. Bill and Twyla continued to operate the funeral home under the employ of Landreth-Popkess Funeral Home.

In 2006, Bill Landreth had served the Axtell community for 50 years. Twyla Landreth passed away in 2007 and Bill passed away on June 25, 2011.

On July 15, 2014, Cleve Walstrom and Dustin Zutterman of Kinsley Mortuary, Inc., purchased the funeral home in Axtell from Matt and Ed Popkess. It was renamed the Axtell-Landreth Funeral Home.

In 2023, Cleve Walstrom retired and sold his shares to his son, V. Woody Walstrom. Dustin Zutterman and Woody Walstrom are the current owners of the Axtell-Landreth Funeral Home.

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